Piña Colada
Just a little Memorial Day message to all of our service men and women, past and present. You Rock!! The sacrifices you and your families have made to protect our freedom is beyond measure and will not be forgotten. Thank you.
Growing up in New Hampshire, where the state motto is “Live Free or Die” we never missed a Memorial Day parade and they were always held on May 30th, regardless of what day of the week the holiday fell on. Most businesses were closed that day, but if they weren’t they closed down during the parade, allowing employees to pour onto the sidewalks to show their respect. The parade was followed by backyard cookouts, family gatherings, and a understanding that summer was almost upon us.
I decided that a Piña Colada would be a great way to welcome in summer. I found a simple recipe in my Vitamix cookbook.
~ Piña Colada Recipe ~
4 1/2 ounces light rum
4 1/2 Tbl. cream of coconut
1/2 cup coconut milk
2 Tbl. shredded coconut
3/4 cup fresh pineapple
1 banana, optional
3 cups ice
Place all ingredients in the blender container and secure lid. Start on lowest setting, then increase to Variable Speed 5 and blend for 45 seconds or until desired consistency is reached. Enjoy!