Healthy Choices
"lighter" recipes without sacrificing flavor...
Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins {Share the Love}
Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins from Cooking Light. This recipe sounded so good to me. Perhaps because I’m on a blueberry kick and until recently I had forgotten how easy muffins are to make. They are truly underrated. Breakfast on the go. Great snack. Start to finish, ready in 30 minutes. Brought them to the office this morning to {Share the Love}. A nice healthy start to our week.
Eggs Baked in Herbed Spaghetti Squash Nests
Eggs Baked in… And I’m sold. That’s all I need to hear and I’m all in. Eggs baked in that spaghetti squash that’s been patiently waiting in the pantry for her time to shine, is just plain brilliant. Thank you to The Urban Poser for coming up with this one.
Kale Chips {Hail to Kale}
I did it. I joined the other half of the population who has been enjoying and loves Kale. These Kale Chips are my third dish in a week where Kale stood up and was noticed.
Kale with Sausage, White Beans & Butternut Squash
Kale with Sausage, White Beans & Butternut Squash By now, most everyone is aware that kale comes packed with a bushel of health benefits, even if you’re not quite sure what they are specifically. This would be the time to share that I wanted to be sure I knew before moving on. So I googled ‘health ben’ and before completing the word ‘benefits’…never mind adding the word ‘kale’…I had 2,150,000 results for Health Benefits of Kale. Here’s a link to a quick Top 10 List that is well worth reading. I had no idea.
Turkey Piccata {with Mushroom, Spinach & Herb Couscous}
Jennie-O’s Ground Turkey, Italian Turkey Sausage, and All Natural Turkey Breast Tenderloins are all staples at our house, especially when we’re in Healthy Living mode…which is probably in order more often than not :) I originally made this Turkey Piccata recipe a couple years ago when I was a die-hard Weight Watchers girl. This dish has no lack of flavor but by simply exercising portion control AND measuring the added fats (as in measuring spoon) it can be a very figure friendly meal.
Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Soup {Weight Watchers}
One of my favorite soups is Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Soup. Just the sound of it warms me and on a blustery day like today a nice big bowl full is in order. This lightened up version is naturally very low in fat and high in fiber, making it a perfect go-to Weight Watcher recipe.
Wonton Soup {with Shrimp & Kale}
I’ve been warming up my Chinese cooking skills (skills is a strong word, I broke out some recipes) this week and decided to try my hand at Wonton Soup.
Baked Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
Chicken Wing shortage? Now that would be a ‘fowl play’ just two days before Game Time. It is estimated that American’s will eat 1.23 billion chicken wings this Super Bowl weekend or an average of 4 wings per person. There’s no question we LOVE our Super Bowl food, so much so that it has become the 2nd largest eating holiday, after Thanksgiving. While I think the chicken wing shortage story has been refuted by the National Chicken Council, let me offer up a Chicken Wing alternative just in case. Baked Buffalo Chicken Meatballs.
Southwest Stuffed mini-Sweet Peppers {with Quinoa & Spicy Turkey Sausage}
These beautiful mini-Sweet Peppers were smiling at me as I strolled through the produce isle. How could I resist their vibrant ‘happy’ colors? When it’s January, and the tornado sirens are echoing in the distance and torrential rains are beating on the window, a little ray of sunshine for dinner seemed just right. So we kicked up our recipe with a little spice and created Southwest Stuffed mini-Sweet Peppers {with Quinoa & Spicy Turkey Sausage}.
Tuna Cakes {with Summer Breeze Citrus Salad}
I’m writing this post while Summer Breeze by Seals & Croft is playing in the background (from a youtube link on the page of a friend) :) Maybe I’m longing for summer a lot earlier than usual or perhaps it’s that Mother Nature is teasing us. Freezing rain yesterday, 50’s today. It’s Saturday, the sun is shining, I’m having Tuna Cakes with Citrus Salad for lunch, and these words are speaking to me: See the smile a-waitin’ in the kitchen food cookin’ and the plates for two Feel the arms that reach out to hold me in the evening when the day is through. Summer breeze makes me feel fine blowing through the jasmine…