Deviled Crab Dip
I’ve been on a sentimental journey lately exploring old family recipes. I could hardly wait to recreate Mom’s Deviled Crab Dip. I actually didn’t remember it all that well, but the ingredients were so yummy and intriguing that I knew we’d love it.
Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
When I first began the Lemony Thyme blog it was our fresh herb porch pots that I recognized/acknowledged/gave credit to/sited/attributed for my cooking inspiration. Fresh Herbs still continue to amaze and inspire me daily. However, I have found an equally intriguing element to cooking. Recreating fridge/pantry staples from scratch (or mostly from scratch). Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing is super easy to make at home and just as good if not better than the bottled variety.
Coconut Curry Chicken Skewers
With Grillin’ & Chillin’ weather upon us, I for one am looking for super easy recipes to throw on the grill (or in the cocktail shaker). These Coconut Curry Chicken Skewers couldn’t be much easier to prepare and who doesn’t love food on a stick!
Inside Out Fresh Herb Omelet
This Inside Out Fresh Herb Omelet was my Healthy Choice post-workout meal. Four weeks ago today I arrived at the office with workout clothes in hand (after taking 4 months off). I was committed to getting back into an exercise routine and knew I would need the encouragement of teammates to keep me on track. So when the lunchtime walking crew lined up to head out, I followed right along. Well actually I lagged behind a good bit, but I did it. A 2.61 mile power walk in 40 minutes.
Blueberry Coffee Cake
Growing up, this Blueberry Coffee Cake was the quintessential coffee cake in our home. We lived in blueberry country. Early on my grandfather Boppy grew the most gorgeous cultured blueberries. They were so sweet and big and juicy. Later we relied on wild blueberries which bordered tree lines and paths throughout our property. While it took a bit longer to fill our baskets, the reward was well worth it. The reward…was my sister Sarah making this heavenly Blueberry Coffee Cake.
Beef Carpaccio {a Birthday Tradition}
My birthday week is officially winding down. It began last Saturday with a wonderful dinner, made especially for me. I have for three years in a row now requested that one of my favorite dishes, is made for my birthday dinner, Beef Carpaccio. And so because I believe that after three repeats of an event it becomes a tradition, Beef Carpaccio is now a Birthday Tradition.
Roasted Veggie Oven Hash {with Fried Eggs}
Hash is such a great way to use up the tail end of fresh veggies. I decided to oven roast my diced vegetables with just a little olive oil and seasonings vs. pan frying in butter. I’m taking baby steps towards Healthy Choices and Roasted Veggie Oven Hash with Fried Eggs keeps me right on track.
Homemade Hamburger Buns
When life gives you pulled pork, we think pulled pork sandwiches…which require hamburger buns. We could run to the store or we can make Homemade Hamburger Buns from ingredients already in our fridge and pantry in just over 30 minutes. Bingo!
Warm German Potato Salad
If you want to grab their attention at your next pot luck, deliver Warm German Potato Salad. You win them over hook, line and sinker.
Roasted Spring Vegetables {featuring Radishes}
Roasted Spring Vegetables I was so pleasantly surprised to learn how wonderful radishes are when oven roasted. It never even occurred to me to cook them. To me radishes were only served as part of a veggie tray. Growing up, I remember mom making ‘radish roses’ and serving them on a nibble tray during the cocktail hour. I tried to like them. Just didn’t.