Grilled Cheese Sandwiches {one-a-day for 30 days}
I declared I would share a different Grilled Cheese Sandwich recipe each day for the entire month of April, also known as National Grilled Cheese Month. While we had a good amount in the archives we’ve had to put on our creative recipe hats to fill out our offering. What a month!! Are you ready? Recipe links are below each photo. Enjoy!!
The Ultimate Grilled Cheese
Here’s our Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich. And I mean cheeees-y! Have you been keeping track of the number of grilled cheese sandwiches we’ve eaten over the past 30 days? It’s a lot.
Monterey Chicken Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Why not turn this favorite chicken recipe into a grilled cheese? If I can put Spaghetti & Meatballs into a grilled cheese, Monterey Chicken seemed like a natural. Grilled chicken breast with smoky hickory bbq sauce, crispy bacon, lots of cheese, sliced tomato and diced jalapeno & scallion….sounds amazing right?
The Real McGriddle
Our final recipe from “Team Grilled Cheese” comes from my daughter Shelby. If you’ve been following along, you know I’m attempting to share a different grilled cheese sandwich with our facebook fans every day in April aka National Grilled Cheese Month. Via text messages, recipe inspiration began to pour in. Why not a breakfast grilled cheese?!!
Roasted Buffalo Cauliflower Grilled Cheese
Kate’s Roasted Buffalo Cauliflower Grilled Cheese. Day #27 of National Grilled Cheese Month. We’re building quite a collection of delectable and occasionally over the top sandwiches. I enlisted the help of four of my favorite ladies (my nieces Maya, Kate & Jen and my kid Shelby). Their mission was to come up with their own signature Grilled Cheese. Here’s how Kate’s came to be.
Mushroom & Thyme Truffled Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Jen’s Mushroom & Thyme Truffled Grilled Cheese Sandwich with baby reds, onion, sharp cheddar, watercress, freshly cracked black pepper on Tuscan garlic bread. Jen, being my niece. A food enthusiast. Creative soul. Inspiration.
Three Cheese Mac ‘n’ Cheese {Grilled Cheese Sandwich}
It was quickly becoming evident that my attempt to share a different grilled cheese recipe each day in April (National Grilled Cheese Month) was going to fall short by about 5 days. What’s a girl to do?
Smoked Cheddar & Bacon Jalapeño Beer Bread
Smoked Cheddar & Bacon Jalapeño Beer Bread. When this bread recipe from Chocolate, Chocolate and More appeared in my newsfeed I was instantly hooked. Joan took a classic beer bread and gave it personality. Her gorgeous photo drew me in but the fact that you can have it ready for the oven in 5 minutes sealed the deal.
California Grilled Cheese Sandwich
I woke up this morning and put on my workout clothes. I did it before I could talk myself out of it. I figured that gave me at least a 50% greater chance of it actually happening. Low and behold I have a workout under my belt. No way, no how was I going to offset that kind of progress with a unhealthy lunch choice so I made a California Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
Lobster Topped Poached Egg on Savory French Toast
I’ve been kicking around the idea of Savory French Toast for some thyme now. It’s the herbs. They are insistent that they’ll elevate every meal of the day. And they are always right. Our savory French toast became the perfect platform for our decadent and extra special brunch this morning. Lobster Topped Poached Egg on Savory French Toast. Spiritual.