Chalk Art {and how we got through Covid}
“In a world where you can be anything….Be Kind.”
While the world was literally shutting down due to covid we looked for ways to keep our family engaged, healthy and hopeful. What started out early one Saturday morning as a cheerful greeting to our new neighbor, blossomed into a weekly pastime. Ella (then 10) was our champion and a fine artist herself. Her enthusiasm quickly spread and there were now three or sometimes four of us strolling our neighborhood streets, chalk buckets in hand, looking for best piece of pavement.

In many ways, chalk art served as an introduction to neighbors we had yet to meet (4 years after moving in). Despite the worry and uncertainty amidst covid this open-air giant canvas was inviting and sparked fresh conversation. We were hungry to connect with people while being cautioned to keep our distance…and connect we did!

We artfully celebrated each holiday throughout the spring and summer of 2020. Chalk art led to Rock art, followed by kids in the kitchen cooking and a full-on cover to cover cookbook cooking challenge. We stayed busy and present in each others lives.