Hugs & Kisses Brownies {Adventures in Chocolate}
TGIF!! It’s been quite a week. I’m tempted to just stop there and post the picture of these amazing brownies. My heart tells me that those who share the day to day of my life will understand the significance of Hugs & Kisses Brownies.
However, I have the gift of gab and will share that Customer Appreciation Week at my office was real. We have THE BEST group of beautiful people…who get it. They understand service. All levels of service. We have a commitment to the livelihood of our company for sure….after all it pays the bills. But we also adore our customers…all of them, even the few whom we can’t quite ever please (yet they do keep calling). But mostly we are a family. One that extends beyond the 33 (and growing) of us….and includes our family members and our friends.
This week we have Shared the Love…symbolized with food. Hehe.. that just makes me smile out loud. Every person who has ever applied to our company has been asked this interview question (by me)…..can you cook? I’m not saying it’s a deal breaker…we certainly don’t discriminate against the kitchen impaired. But their responses to that question and the follow up dialog ultimately determines whether a candidate is the right fit for our family. We have several company members who responded…no, not much of a cook…but I’m a darn good eater. They get full credit. Every cook needs an eating audience.
So today we Share the Love in the form of homemade sweets and treats. In my case, it’s almost hard to claim homemade when my ingredients are boxed brownie mix and a bag of Hershey’s Hugs & Kisses. However, they were made in my home with love. May you always have a shoulder to lean on and be but a hug away.
~ Hogs & Fishes ~