The Ultimate Grilled Cheese
Here’s our Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich. And I mean cheeees-y!
Have you been keeping track of the number of grilled cheese sandwiches we’ve eaten over the past 30 days? It’s a lot.

I went into the month of April with 17 grilled cheese recipes in the archives. Simple math said we’d need to make 13 more to accomplish my goal of sharing one-a-day for 30 days. I started out pretty strong introducing some new favorites like Strawberry, Basil & Brie and Roasted Lobster & Corn Cake.

As we entered the 4th week and approached the finish line I began to run out of steam. One text message to the younger generation of our foodie family and within mere minutes I had four must-make recipes that have since been published. Yet I was still coming up one short. “One-a-day for 29 days” didn’t have the same ring as 30 days.
I’ve been thinking about it and while all these artisan grilled cheeses have been fun, for me a grilled cheese should be all about the cheese and the bread. So my ultimate would use Amish butter, Amish cheddar, Havarti, Muenster and Monterey Jack. And it would be made on sour dough bread.

This was one cheesy sandwich. I may have overloaded them slightly. There are worse problems to have. Personally I think The Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich was the perfect way to wrap up our 30 Day Grilled Cheese Palooza.

Don’t forget to follow us @LemonyThyme on Instagram and Facebook! And check out our latest TikTok videos and Pinterest boards too!
All my best,
xo Libby

Ultimate Grilled Cheese
- 4 slices sour dough bread
- Amish butter
- 2 ounces Amish Cheddar cheese shredded
- 2 ounces Monterey Jack cheese shredded
- 2 slices Muenster cheese
- 2 slices Havarti cheese
Skillet method…
- Butter sour dough slices. Top with cheeses. Pan grill until cheese has melted.
Oven method…
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Pan grill the buttered bread slices in an oven-proof skillet on the stovetop until golden. Top with cheeses. Place in oven and immediately turn off heat. Leave in oven for 10 minutes. Cheese will be melted.