Welcome Winter Thyme {A Spice Exploration}
Lemony Thyme was born out of my new found love of cooking (and eating) when I discovered how fresh herbs could bring a dish to life. We bought three whiskey barrels for the back porch and filled them full of young herb plants. Spring Thyme looked something like this when we first began.
Then as the summer sun showered our young plants with love, they began to flourish. Every recipe was an opportunity to harvest these glorious herbs. Just as fresh as the produce of the season, our dishes were bright with fresh herb flavors. Summer Thyme was a happy thyme for certain.
As the nights became cooler and then sun went to bed sooner we pondered how we could possibly create dishes without fresh herbs. How could we preserve this goodness until next Spring. We researched and studied how to dry herbs. Even discovered that you can freeze fresh herbs in butter & olive oil, which we did. So as Autumn Thyme set in, you could find fresh herbs hanging by their toes all over our house. We would bottle this love for Autumn Thyme.
Now we are headed straight into Winter Thyme. And while my passion is for fresh herbs, I think it’s time for a little Spice Exploration. I welcome the warm flavors and beautiful aromas that await and look forward to sharing these new dishes with you.
I’ve spent the morning smiling out loud, as our fb likes are climbing by the minute. I needed a creative outlet to take me away from the computer so I decided to pull out all of my spices and create a little Winter Thyme ‘Wind.’ This is going to be fun.

Maureen | Orgasmic Chef
This is incredibly clever — I love it! I love herbs and spices and honestly don’t think I’d have a blog if food had to be boring.
I’m so glad we met and now I’m off to browse.
Happy New Year!
Thank you Maureen. I thought the best way to embark on my spice exploration was to play with them and thus my little ‘whirl wind of herbs and spices.’ I hope you’ll stop by often. Happy New Year.