Whole Roasted Basil Pesto Chicken
Whole Roasted Basil Pesto Chicken.
When life gives you basil, make pesto. When life gives you a whole roaster chicken and pesto…bingo.
Get happy.

Our fresh Basil Pesto Recipe yields about 2 cups of pesto, which I used all of to generously coat the entire 6 lb. chicken, including under the skin.
The oil in the pesto served to self-baste the chicken, keeping it so moist. I also spooned the pan drippings over the breasts a couple times during the cooking period.

Once the chicken was done and had rested, the result was one beautiful bird, that required no other seasonings.
Under the crispy skin was a layer of pesto love.
We removed one breast and sliced it, then served it on a bed of cooked pasta with a spoonful of pan drippings lightly drizzled over top. What a fabulous flavor combination.

While we enjoyed our Whole Roasted Basil Pesto Chicken dinner, we couldn’t help but envision the amazing broth and soup that was in our future. Very near future.
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All my best,
xo Libby

Whole Roast Basil Pesto Chicken
- 1 5-6 lb. whole oven roaster chicken
- 2 cups basil pesto
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
- Rinse and dry chicken.
- Prepare basil pesto according to recipe link in post.
- Rub pesto all over chicken, top and bottom, including under the skin.
- Place on rack in roasting pan. Bake at 425 degrees for 30 minutes or until nicely browned. Baste chicken with broth from pan. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and loosely tent chicken with foil. Continue baking for an additional hour or until chicken is done (juices run clear and thermometer inserted into the inner thigh registers 165 degrees). If your chicken comes with a pop-up timer trust it.
- Allow chicken to rest at least 15 minutes before carving, preferably 30 minutes.
You might also enjoy Basil Chicken Soup with Orzo.

Question: For this recipe do you use all the 2 cups of pesto on one whole chicken?
I’m making this tomorrow night – cannot wait!!
This looks wonderful! I’m ready to make this soon. I can imagine the house smelled wonderful while this was roasting!
I need to go back and add that to the post, you are so right….the house smelled incredible. Mouth-watering torture for 2 hours :) I hope you enjoy it Mr. Filthy Rotten. Take care, Libby